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Extremadura Ham

At Jamón Puro Bellota, you can buy the finest hams and shoulders with the Extremadura Designation of Origin. We offer you the best selection of prestigious products from Extremadura, sourced from top drying facilities and brands. We have the best catalog of Dehesa de Extremadura hams of the highest quality at the best prices.

Buy Extremadura hams online

Extremadura hams are a unique product in the world, with a quality and flavor that you'll hardly find in other products. Their production is carefully managed from the outset, focusing on the quality of life of the Iberian breed pig and the curing and drying process. All this care makes Extremadura hams and shoulders a product with a unique flavor that can be enjoyed on any occasion.

Discover the best Extremadura Iberian hams at Jamón Puro Bellota. They are considered a true delight for the palate. We have the best Extremadura hams and shoulders at very good prices. Undoubtedly, an exquisite gastronomic product.